Here are some great tips if you find yourself asking the question “What should I be doing to keep my computer safe?”

  • Windows Update:
    Make sure your Windows updates are running. Windows Update should be set to update your system automatically at a time when you’re usually online. Check it every week by running the “Windows Update” program.
  • Antivirus:
    You need a good, updating antivirus (AV) program. If you paid for AV but the subscription has expired, uninstall your old AV and get a good free AV program. You should only be running one AV program at a time, so be sure to uninstall other AV apps before installing AVG.
  • Adobe Flash:
    If Secunia PSI finds Flash updates, RUN THEM. Unpatched Flash players are a common infection point.
  • Don’t run pirated software you “find” on the internet.
    That’s sooo sketchy. Here are some suggestions for legit, free alternatives.

– Microsoft Office: (or Google Docs)
– Photoshop:
– Quicken:
– PDF Writing: